Tuesday, November 11, 2008

QC Poetry Reading by Ciaran Berry and Nadine Meyer

Wednesday, November 12, 6:30pm,
Queens College Campus, Klapper Hall, rm. 403
With a reception to follow
Ciaran Berry’s first full-length volume, The Sphere of Birds, won the 2007 Crab Orchard Series in Poetry Open Competition and was published by Southern Illinois University Press. The same volume was published in Ireland and the UK by The Gallery Press. Berry's work is featured in The Best American Poetry 2008. He teaches in the Expository Writing Program at NYU and is originally from the northwest of Ireland.
Nadine Sabra Meyer's first book of poems, The Anatomy Theater, won the National Poetry Series and was published by HarperCollins in 2006. Her poems have won the New Letters Prize for Poetry as well as a Pushcart Prize. Her poems have appeared or are forthcoming in journals including Chelsea, Pleiades, North American Review, The Southern Review and Southwest Review. She is an Assistant Professor at Gettysburg College.