Friday, July 31, 2009

ON-THE-SAME-PAGE for all MFA students...

Tuesday, September 8, 6:30 PM in Klapper Hall
7th Floor Faculty Lounge
The ‘On The Same Page’ Reading packet that was emailed to you is meant to give you stuff to think about as well as bond over—because regardless of genre, everyone in our writing community is reading the same essays. Your MFA faculty members have thought and talked about these offerings for several weeks now and wish to stress the importance of *play* in your writing apprenticeship. We strongly believe that writing students need to develop both their critical acumen and their creative impulse. So we would like to offer the reading packet and the MOMA installation ("that explores notions of transience and impermanence") as opportunities for you to mess around in the sandbox. Indeed, critical thinking and creative messing are, to our thinking, inextricably linked, and so we'd like you to approach creativity with a critical eye and criticism with a playful resolve. (Check out the James Ensor paintings--your work might never be the same!)
Session will be faciliated by John Weir.
BTW: Museum of Modern Art (MOMA)
PROJECT 90: SONG DONG exhibit runs until September 7th
@ 11 West 53rd Street
(admission is steep so use your i.d. or go on a Friday evening)