Friday, September 10, 2010

The Center for Book Arts

Take a look at CBA's really splendid new fall line up: readings, making chapbooks and broadsides, exhibits, and on and on. Here is an example of one event not to miss:
Book Arts Lounge
Zinemaking Party
Friday, October 8th , 6-9pm
With Sarah McCarry. Whether you’ve been making zines since the dawn of Riot Grrl or have always wanted to but never gotten around to it, tonight’s the night for you. We’ll look at examples of different kinds of zines, talk about what goes into writing, editing, layout, and production, and cover some basic methods of binding that work well for large editions. Participants will leave with binding samples and the beginnings of their own zine. Bring bits of your writing, images to cut up, and any other paper ephemera that strikes your fancy.
$10/$5 CBA Members Suggested Donation
28 West 27th Street, third floor, NY 10001