Wednesday, January 5, 2011

It's "Spring"--It's TURNSTYLE--

TURNSTYLE READINGS SERIES for the four CUNY MFA Programs begins on Tuesday, February 1
6:30 pm
Fifth Avenue at 34 Street in Manhattan
Eight MFA students will read with two faculty--

Roger Sedarat teaches poetry and translation in the MFA program at Queens College. He is the author of Dear Regime: Letters to the Islamic Republic (winner of Ohio UP's Hollis Summers Prize), and Ghazal Games (forthcoming, Ohio UP). His poems and translations have recently appeared in World Literature Today, Green Mountains Review, and Storyscape.

H. Aram Veeser, Department of English, The City College of New York, co-author, Painting Between the Lines (2001), and editor, The New Historicism (1989), The New Historicism Reader (1994), Confessions of the Critics (1996), and The Stanley Fish Reader (1999). He has written for The Nation Magazine and various academic quarterlies, including The Journal of Armenian Studies, Ararat, and Armenian Forum. His most recent book is Edward Said: The Charisma of Criticism (Routledge, 2010). He is at work on another book, a group portrait of eight literary critics who gained notoriety around the time of the U.S. involvement in Vietnam.
Each Turnstyle reading features 8 student readers and 2 faculty readers drawn from the four spectacular CUNY MFA Programs. Conceived as a kind of mixer for the students/faculty to mingle and hear one another’s voices, it is free and open to the public.
Co-sponsored by the Center for the Humanities and the CUNY MFA in Creative Writing Affiliation Group