Saturday, March 19, 2011

**Turnstyle Reading Series**

Monday, March 21st
CUNY Graduate Center
365 5th Avenue at 34th Street in Manhattan.
6:30pm sharp
We welcome you to come and to invite all of your friends.

Turnstyle is a Mixer designed to bring together the talented MFA students from CUNY’s four creative writing MFA programs: Queens, City, Hunter, and Brooklyn. Each night, two students from each campus read alongside two members of the faculty. The series is co-sponsored by the Creative Writing Affiliation Group, The Center for the Humanities, and the Office of Academic Affairs. Turnstyle is now in its third year.

*grad student readers*
Heidi Diehl
Phil Klay
Brendan Kiely
Camille Wanliss Ortiz
Lysette Simmons
Rosemary Misdary
Tatiana Alvarado
Melissa Bobe

*faculty readers*
Donna Masini
Joshua Henkin
