Sunday, November 14, 2010

Eileen Myles and Ammiel Alcalay Read from New Work

Monday Nov 15, 6:30 pm
QC campus: Godwin-Ternbach Museum, Klapper Hall
Eileen Myles’s Inferno (a poet’s novel) just out from is called “Zippingly melancholy” by John Ashbery and “this shimmering document” by Alison Bechdel. Her other books include Not Me, School of Fish and Sorry, Tree. Chelsea Girls, her first fiction, appeared in 1994 followed by Cool for You (a nonfiction novel) in 2000. Her essays were collected in 2009 in The Importance of Being Iceland for which she won a Warhol/Creative Capital grant. The Poetry Society of America gave her the Shelley Award in 2010.
Ammiel Alcalay’s books include Scrapmetal (2006); from the warring factions (2002); Memories of Our Future: Selected Essays (1999); After Jews and Arabs (1993), and the cairo noteboooks (1993). His translations include Sarajevo Blues (1998) and Nine Alexandrias (2003), Keys to the Garden (1996), and a co-translation (with Oz Shelach), of Outcast (2007). Islanders, a novel, came out in 2010. Through the PhD Program in English and the Center for the Humanities at the Grad Center, he initiated Lost & Found: The CUNY Poetics Document Initiative.
A reception will follow the reading, and books will be for sale.
Contact MFA Director Nicole Cooley at for more information.