Monday, November 29, 2010

MFA Community Event (current and alum--)

December 1 at 6:30 pm
Editor, poet and translator Jeffrey Yang will speak about the future of publishing. Nicole: "A number of you have asked for discussions and sessions on publishing, so here we go! Jeffrey will talk about publishing, answer questions, and we will have light refreshments. If you are in my class or Susan's class on Wed night, this is our class for the evening. I hope others of you--both current MFA students and alums--will come too!" Jeffrey Yang is an editor at New Directions. AN AQUARIUM (Graywolf, 2008) was given a rave review in the NYT; the opening sentence, "Here is a first book written from a very high floor of the Tower of Babel and the view is exhilarating."
Sorry! Due to space limitation we cannot accommodate outside guests.